The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) test is to evaluate non-native English speakers’ English language skills in the business communication. It is also used to measure the individual’s English proficiency and identify the personnel’s capability of handling language-specific responsibilities. There are two sections in TOEIC: Listening Comprehension (100 multiple-choice questions) and Reading (100 multiple-choice questions). The content of the TOEIC test emphasizes authentic language contexts, and the vocabulary and passage are familiar to those individuals who use English in daily activities.

多益測驗是美國ETS (Educational Testing Service)機構所開發的測驗,目的是用來評估非英語系國家學習者在商業領域方面之英語溝通能力。 它有兩個大單元: 聽力測驗(100題), 測驗時間: 45分鐘, 及閱讀測驗(100題), 測驗時間: 75分鐘. 總分數從最低10到最高990分. 其內容主要以實境語言內容為主, 如日常生活之對話, 收音機或新聞廣播節目, 廣告, 聲明, 及網站之英語等。