本課程選適合學生字彙數量與文法程度的教材,並配合目前市場主流考試NEW TOEIC整合於課程與教材內,期提升聽說讀寫四項基礎能力的同時且幫助學生瞭解語言測驗與評量之主要類型設計。藉由實施此課程,幫助學生熟悉常用之英語聽力測驗與閱讀測驗之題型設計與考試內容重點,以增進學生對於各項語言測驗與評量工具之了解與應用。也能一起準備NEW TOEIC英文證照考試,一舉兩得;教學方式以課堂講解與討論為主,並融入以活潑的學生分組討論、老師引導式教學、電影播放,文化衝擊討論、以多元化的教學方式激發學生強力學習動機,使聽說讀寫四項基礎能力能在快樂中累積。
教材特色 Listen in & Speak out 2
5.各單元均包括職場情境常用的句型( EIL patterns) 介紹與練習
6. 各單元會話部份搭配語言功能的介紹,並再設計新的會話情境,加強學生口語溝通能力。
7. 搭配豐富的影音網路數位教材、提昇學習興趣
This course aims to enhance students' English proficiency. Students are expected to communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively by using English.
1. Analysis of English listening comprehension test: Photographs, Question-Response, Short Conversations, and Short Talks.
2. Analysis of English reading comprehension test: Incomplete Sentences, Text Completion, and Reading Comprehension.
Students will also work effectively in pairs or groups to give and receive feedback on instructor’s ideas. Students will be able to articulate ideas regarding their textbook content. Students should produce two essays on assigned topics
1. 英語聽力測驗試題設計分析:照片描述、應答問題、簡短對話、簡短獨白
2. 英語閱讀測驗試題設計分析:句子填空、段落填空、閱讀測驗
核心能力 核心能力說明
英語能力 一、中級閱讀英文能力二、中級英文寫作能力三、中級英語表達及溝通能力
中文能力 一、流暢的論說文、敘述文與應用文的書寫能力二、中文基本文化涵養
資訊能力 一、嫻熟電腦基本概念、文書處理、簡報製作、電子試算表運用及網際網路應用二、資訊素養資訊能力包含資訊分析、資訊蒐集、資訊組織與資訊使用能力
思辨表達能力 一、獨立思考能力二、溝通表達能力
自我管理能力 一、良好生活習性二、積極主動的學習態度三、自我規劃與管理能力四、基本法律常識五、基本體能


The objective: This course is student to drill and use practical expressions to both daily conversation and business background conversation.
The approach of this freshman course includes lecturing, interaction with students, students presentation, group discussion, working in pairs, whole class discussion, and Elearn system.
1. Showing Up – Regular attendance is expected. Attending classes is critical to student succes
2. Being On Time – 15 minutes allowance for being lateness
3. Instructors Are Not Oblivious –Doing other work in class is very disrespectful to the instructor.
Students grade points are calculated as follows:
I. Attendance: 20 %
II. Class participation (attitude 20%, participation 20%): 40%
III. Mid-term Exam: 20%
IV. Final Exam: 20%
課 程 進 度 與 內 容
Introductory/ Discussion various topics in life/
How to learn English/ How to be successful
Unit 11 How was your weekend
Unit 11 How was your weekend
• Unit 12 May I speak to John, please?
• Unit 12 May I speak to John, please?
Unit 13 How did you do on the test?
• Unit 13 How did you do on the test?
• Review & Quiz
• Mid-term Exam
Film watching/ Discussion Mid-term Exam
• Unit 14 What should I do?
• Unit 14 What should I do?
• Unit 15 How are you feeling?
• Unit 15 How are you feeling?
• Unit 16 I need to get fit!
• Unit 16 I need to get fit!
• Review & Quiz
Final Exam
Class ending remark/ Discussion