本課程旨在學習資訊科技的概念,網際網路,和資料處理與分析的技能,並藉由範例的操作,暸解電腦及網路在商業上的應用。課程學習的內容包括:(1) 作業系統-Windows、(2) Excel 2016、(3) PowerPoint 2016、(4) Word 2016 ,(5)網際網路、(6)多媒體等。

The purpose of this course is to study the fundamental knowledge of computer science, computer network technology, the skill and knowledge of data processing and analysis, and operation by example, to understand computers and networks in business applications.
The contents of the course include (1) desk operating system (Windows), (2) Excel 2016 Software Application, (3) PowerPoint 2016 Software Application, (4) Word 2016 Software Application, (5) Internet, (6) multimedia.