本課程旨在使學生了解網路行銷的相關知識。本課程強調如何藉由理論概念、實例討論與實作方式進一步了解網路行銷。期許培養學習者具備「網路行銷」的基本能力與觀念,以利其於社會中發展成為優秀的現代化行銷管理者。課程內容包括 (1) 網路行銷導論、(2) 網路行銷理論、(3)網路行銷實務、(4)網路行銷大未來。

The purpose of this course is to let students learn relevant knowledge of internet marketing. Students may understand the of internet marketing. They are equipped with a broader view to do planning and analysis. We expect this course can help the students have basic concepts and abilities for “internet marketing”. The contents of the course include (1) introduction of internet marketing, (2) concepts of internet marketing, (3) Practice of internet marketing, (4) the future of internet marketing.