Grammar is a practical and vigorous component in the ESL/EFL learning. A great deal of current research shows that most of students benefit greatly from a grammar component blended with other approaches in a second language instruction (Azar, 2006). In this class, an inductive grammar approaches will be introduced, which can be easily understood through steps as providing students with a list of examples in the context, asking students to derive the rules or generalizations, practicing, incorrect rule correction, and communicative practice. Students will improve their grammar concept in the context through the following learning:
1. Students’ four language skills development will be promoted in a variety of ways.
2. Students have numerous opportunities to practice the real world communication.
3. Students’ own life experiences are exampled in the context, which can activate many interesting topics discussions.
4. Communicative approaches will be used to stimulate students’ free expression of ideas in structured as well as open discussions.