本課程旨在訓練學生中英、英中筆譯能力。藉由理論引介、隨堂和課後習作及檢討, 使學習者中、英譯文皆可可達到忠實、通順的水準。課程內容包含翻譯理論及工具書/線上工具簡介; 由傳統英文文法詞類分類法對中英、英中翻譯做深入淺出的探討; 介紹常見的誤譯等。上課重視習作,以使習得筆譯技巧。
This course aims to train Chinese students to translate English into Chinese and Chinese into English. It will equip students with the ability to translate English into Chinese and Chinese into English in written language. Students are expected to learn the techniques of translation and achieve a level of translation which is faithful and close to source language. 1) to be aware of the role of cultural patterns in written translation 2) to be familiar with practical techniques of translation 3) to be able to translate a discourse to be faithful, expressive, and close to the original one 1) to provide lectures and learning activities to support practice of translation 2) to employ an interactive approach to tackle translation tasks 3) to emphasize the process of translating to acquiring translation skills.