本課程目標是為準備學生未來在大學畢業並進入職場工作時, 能夠有好的英文基礎。透過職場外語, 學生可奠定英語語言四項基礎技能:聽,說,讀,寫,並學習廣泛職場外語溝通技巧。在此課堂上,學生可學會
(一) 如何自我介紹同事及客戶。
(二) 如何描述產品、價格及英文接聽電話。
(三) 如何描述產品瑕疵及處理問題。
(四) 了解不同會議類別以及應注意的禮節。
(五) 了解如何成功地做簡報。
(六) 了解如何撰寫商業書信。

1. 上課時手機需調為靜音。
2. 各課程每學期至少點名6次。
3. 教師應制止學生於上課非討論時間過度交談。
4. 學生若於課堂上用餐,以上、下午之第一堂課15分鐘內為限。
5. 學生上課睡覺時,若為精神不佳,應請其至洗手間洗臉後再回教室上課。

The goal of this course is to prepare students for using English when they graduate from college and enter the workplace. Students will also have an opportunity to practice four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this class, the instructor will

1. Help students to expand their vocabulary.
2. Help students understand the meaning of word roots and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from context clues.
3. Help students learn business writing, such as resume, English email, and business letters.

This course will offer in-depth discussions of business topics as they relate to current events both locally and globally, including topics pertaining to:

Brands: Store brands, brand loyalty in China, taking part in meetings;
Travel: Building hotels fast, videoconferencing, telephoning, making arrangements;
Change: Inevitability of changes, managing change successfully, managing meetings;
Organization: Collective intelligence, insiders and outsiders, socializing, networking;
Advertising: Internet advertising, shock advertisements, starting presentations;
Money: Financial reporting, short selling, dealing with figures;
Cultures: The place of English, living and working abroad, social English;
Human Resources: Therapeutic consultancy, human capital planning, telephoning;
International Markets: Getting into new markets, B2B e-commerce, negotiating;
Ethics: Ethical CVs, whistleblowers, considering options;
Leadership: Leadership styles, difficult times, presenting;
Competition: Taking on competitors, monopolies, negotiating

This course combines some
of the most stimulating recent ideas from the world of
business with a strongly task-based approach. Role
plays and case studies are regular features.
Throughout the course, students are encouraged to use
their own experience and opinions in order to maximize
involvement and learning.
An extensive business English course
designed to bring the real world of international
business into the language-teaching classroom. It has
been developed in association with current events to ensure the maximum range and
authenticity of international business content.
The course is intended for use by either students
preparing for a career in business or those already
working who want to improve their English
communication skills.