This course is an introductory course, aiming to help cultivate students’ linguistic competence, literary taste and cultural awareness by exposing them to well-known literary works in English. Three genres of English literature in particular-- poetry, fiction and drama-- and their differences will be explored. Different aspects of literature such as tone, rhythm, voice, theme, character, point of view, narrative techniques, metaphor, symbol and the like will be studied to empower students to appreciate and analyze literature. Class discussion and group performing literature are both required in addition to a mid-term and a final exam, as they provide good opportunity for students to practice and thereby to strengthen their communicative competence. Outside reading of contemporary English works is also required as it helps to familiarize students with the major issues that the works are supposed to address.
- 教師: 邱 智銘
This course is aimed to help students develop basic translation skills required for translating English to Chinese and to provide important resources translators may need. By comparing language structures and cultural connotation in both languages, students not only can grow bilingual and bicultural competencies, but also gain knowledge of how to render appropriate and acceptable target texts. General issues related to translation definitions, types, processes, principles and norms will be introduced as well.
- 教師: 陳 玥菁
English for Service Industry is aimed for those whom have the intent of seeking employment in the service sector, particularly the travel and tourism industry but not limited to this area.
- 教師: 潘 根鴻
The purpose of this class is to learn how to learn about and present Chinese culture in English. This knowledge should be useful when interacting with people who are visiting Taiwan or when engaging in a language exchange.
- 教師: 邱 智銘