Microsoft Excel 是目前被廣泛使用的電子試算表軟體,其同時具備強大的數據分析功能,本課程的目的在介紹如何使用Excel在敘述統計和推論統計上的應用,使學生具備基本數據分析的能力,課程內容包括理論的介紹和上機的實作,期望學生可以更進一步取得相關證照。
1. 學習有關投資理財規劃之理論與實務。
2. 瞭解家庭資產負債表,貨幣評價,各類投資工具,相關租稅觀念。
3. 使學生瞭解如何進行投資理財規劃,同時以文章閱讀及個案研討等方式強化學生在進行投資理財決策時之能力。
4. 撰寫財富管理競賽報告及簡報
Financial English covers several topics in the field of business and finance including those related to financial situations in a corporation, such as financial documents, (including balance sheets, profit and loss, and insurance policy) banking, investments, stocks, accounting, supply, demand, and prices, trade and commerce. Students are expected to learn content-based vocabulary and phrases associated with each topic, for instance, those which are used to illustrate profit and loss, financial instruments, interest rates, exchange rates, and pricing etc. Students will be instructed to make use of specialized terms in sentences and utterances for business communication, and they are expected to learn language related skills, which include:
1. Recognizing English vocabulary in finance,
2. Making grammatical sentences by using terms and phrases for specific purposes, and
3. Appropriate communication skills.
1. 學習有關投資理財規劃之理論與實務。
2. 瞭解家庭資產負債表,貨幣評價,各類投資工具,相關租稅觀念。
3. 使學生瞭解如何進行投資理財規劃,同時以文章閱讀及個案研討等方式強化學生在進行投資理財決策時之能力。